Online Corporate Travel is a division setup to help your company to achieve high online adoption and save your company a lot of time, hassle and money. Be it your company's outing , Family's day , Seminar Packages , Team Building, Company Events or your colleagues's daily business trip, we are "here" to assist you. If you have not contacted our Corporate Travel consultant to provide your company with an travel assessment, we encourage you to do so. |
For further enquiries , you can contact us or sent your enquiries to : |
+603-9101-7488 |
+603-9101-9488 | |
Why Booking Online ? |
According to a recent travel industry study, the impact of online adoption on a company's bottom-line includes: |
40 - 75% lower transaction fees - self booking online lowers fees dramatically |
15-50% lower average room prices - with more choices online, travelers choose more cost-effective options |
3 - 5% savings in negotiated programs with air, car, and hotel suppliers |
Improved productivity - online booking requires fewer interactions, resulting in a faster booking time |