Aseania Resort Pulau Besar (Big Island, off Johor ) Johor, Malaysia
Distance Table From Kuala Lumpur |
Destination / Mode of Travel |
By Road
By Air
Distance (km)
ASEANIA RESORT Pulau Besar Mersing, Johor |
3hrs 45min
By Flight 1. Kuala Lumpur to Senai Airport, Johor (45min) 2. Transfer from Senai Airport to Mersing Jetty (3 Hours) 3. Mersing Jetty to Pulau Besar 30 min By Road to Mersing Jetty ex: Kuala Lumpur (Journey by car 4 hours) 1. Use the North-South Highway and exit at Ayer Hitam Toll Plaza 2. From Ayer Hitam Toll Plaza use road to Kluang 3. From Kluang Town use road to Mersing 4. Mersing Jetty to Pulau Besar 30 min By Road to Mersing Jetty ex: Singapore (Journey by car 2 hours from Johor Bahru) 1. Drive from Johor Bahru to Kota Tinggi 2. From Kota Tinggi use the road to Mersing 3. Mersing Jetty to Pulau Besar 30 min |