After all the shopping and sightseeing in the hotel's vicinity, you will be energised by the hotel recreational facilities. Work out in the fitness club, enjoy a steam bath and then cool off on the spacious sun deck around the enticing swimming pool and children's wading pool. Good food, lively music and even karaoke, whatever your fancy, the range of nightlife venues is sure to keep you entertained well into the night. For a more unusual experience, delight in exploring the beautiful mosques, temples and unique cultural spots within close proximity of the hotel. There is a host of eating and entertainment spots right under our roof. Try out the authentic Cantonese cuisine at Hai Xiang Restaurant or local and Western favourites at New Park Cafe. Then be entertained at 181 Music Lounge or Cantopop disco, karaoke and pub, or surf the Internet and just unwind at Chances Lounge. Emerald Ballroom and Jade Function Room are specifically designed to cater for seminars, conferences, banquets and weddings. Both rooms are complete with audio-visual presentation equipment and can accommodate all your function requirements from 24 to 590 persons. The hotel aims at nothing short of perfection when it comes to fulfilling your wedding banquet wishes. The team of specialists will ensure your special day runs flawlessly. The hotel offers banquet packages in both the Emerald Ballroom and Hai Xiang Chinese Restaurant, which include all you require from the four-tier wedding cake to the decorations.